"As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart" ~Proverbs 27:19

Archive for December 2012

Finding Contentment: Just be...


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"Every day you should reach out and touch someone.  People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back."  ~Maya Angelou

As I sit here reflecting on my over indulgences of the Christmas weekend; the great memories made, the yummy food, the laughs, the beautiful sites of San Antonio and the anticipation of celebrating this great holiday again with our other family—I see how blessed we are!

At the same time I wonder how many others spend the Holidays alone. Or even if they have their small immediate family, they are still so far from their own parents and siblings.

Without a house, or apartment, stuffed to the brim with family. Without smiling faces across the table. Without a kitchen filled with too many territorial women. Without laughter. Or the small bickering. Without friendly competition over Dominoes or Settlers of Catan. Without couches draped with men "watching" football–or napping. Without little cousins thundering through the house tracking mud and giggles as they pass through each room. Without the Christmas carols. Or candlelit songs. Without someone to "just be" with.

How many of us take all of this for granted? 

How many of us see the loneliness around us?

Who have you reached out to this Holiday Season?

Who have you invited into your home?

It is so easy to get distracted by our to-do lists. Our own families. Our own plans. To ignore the loneliness and misery around us. To focus on our own little worlds. 

Please take a moment over the next few days to observe those whom you come in contact with. A coworker. A friend. An acquaintance. Maybe you'll be at an airport, or the grocery store, or the mall, or maybe walking a busy street, or sitting at a street light. And you'll notice someone without that sparkle in their eye. Maybe all you'll need to do is smile and wave. Say "Merry Christmas" or give them a hug.

Making a difference in someones life does not take grandiose gestures. It is truly the small things. It's the conversation over a cup of coffee. A dinner invitation. A night of fun over board games. Laughter over funny stories shared over cocktails. A hug. It's a smile.

Family is not a definition formed by blood. It is what we choose to make it. 

Choose to spread the JOY dear friends!

Much love and blessings to you and yours,

"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."   Hebrews 13:2 (ESV)

Finding Contentment: If Only I...


posted by J. Amendt Eickman on , ,

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“The greatest wealth is to live content with little.”  ~Plato

I’ve just started a great adventure into my fourth decade of life. I’m in a season of transition. I’m waiting, patiently—or trying to. Waiting to see what’s around the corner. Waiting, with much anticipation. 

I’ve always struggled with “the greener grass syndrome,” where the next thing always looks better, bigger or brighter. I couldn’t wait to grow up. I couldn’t wait to graduate from high school. I couldn’t wait for Christmas or Summer break. I couldn’t wait for my first, second, or third job. Always looking at what was ahead.

How many days did I miss because I was too distracted thinking about tomorrow?

How often have we thought:

“If only I lose 5 more pounds”
“If only I could afford those Manolo Blahnik’s or Coach purse”
“If only I could buy an extravagant house or car”
“If only I could travel more”
“If only I had a thriving career or a higher paid job”
“If only I were prettier”
“If only I were smarter”
“If only I had more friends”
“If only I were in a relationship”
“If only I had children”

"...I would be happier."

Truth is—we are never happier. Our “if only” statements change. We find something “better” to crave.

As we approach the holiday season, a time where we we tend to focus on material wishes and desires. I urge you to take a walk with me this season. To BE content. 

I know it will be a daily challenge, and I don’t know about you, but I just can’t waste any more todays looking forward to, or worrying about, tomorrow.

Blessings and love my dear ones!