"As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart" ~Proverbs 27:19

I'm back!


posted by J. Amendt Eickman on

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"When you wish joy, you wish them peace, love prosperity, happiness...all the good things."
~ Maya Angelou

It's been over 6 months since I've posted last. No, it doesn't mean that my life was uneventful. It's just the opposite actually. I will post about it in the future, but I've had life changing moments over the last few months.


I haven't posted because I honestly do not feel like what I say has any clout in the millions of other voices out there. Like I said back in July, why would anyone read let alone care about what I think/write? I follow so many bloggers who have much more interesting lives, one being The Gypsy Mama, who has definitely had a much more traveled life, if not interesting life than I. Gypsy Mama's post today truly hit a chord in my heart.

It got me thinking about my purposes for writing/blogging. Additionally, I read somewhere recently that it doesn't matter how many views, readers, followers, tags you may have....you should do it for yourself.

I do need that creative outlet, music and writing/reading are my two great loves (well, and of course my dear husband). So I may not be profound like Maya Angelou, but I will write for me, for my friends and family who care, and for my Lord who has blessed me beyond belief!


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