"As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart" ~Proverbs 27:19

Old Fashion Letter Writing


posted by J. Amendt Eickman on , ,

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"No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make the other 
person feel important."  ~Mary Kay Ash

I came across this video on CBS Morning News a few months ago. 

After viewing the clip and reading Matthew Specktor's article, I thought about the last time I'd taken a moment to write a friend a handwritten letter. It was probably years ago, if I don't include my pathetic excuse at writing Christmas cards.

How great is it to run out to the mailbox and find, in the midst of all the junk mail, an envelope with your name handwritten in the recipient field? I will admit, most of the time I don't even make it back into the house before I tear open the envelope to see what it contains. The anticipation of what's inside almost kills me.

Since then I've sent a couple notes. Granted they were "thank-you" cards, but that's a start, right?


I turned 30 this summer. I know I am blessed beyond measure that I've been here 30 years, but still that number was not the easiest to deal with. However something happened that made my transition into the next decade a little easier. 30 days before my birthday I received a little note in the mail. It wasn't a flashy card or on beautiful stationary, yet the words on it soaked into my soul. The words were just this, 

"Dear Jennifer,
As you prepare to enter in to a new decade of life- I want to share 30 reasons I love you in the next 30 days..."

Each day I'd hurry home from work to find a letter or two from my dear friend. Some made me giggle, remembering our silliness. Some made me cry, yearning to be with a dear friend so far away. Yet, each day my mailbox brought me a sense of excitement, joy, encouragement and love. 

My friend did something so simple, in the sense how our culture views gifts today. But to me, it is one of the best gifts I ever received. I will forever cherish those 30 letters, handwritten with love, tears and prayers. 

"There is more to life than increasing its speed."  ~Mahatma Gandhi

Why don't we take the time to write anymore--even an email? Sometimes the extent of our relationships are the facades we see on Facebook. My life's great. My kid's awesome. I have the BEST marriage. Look at my great vacation pictures. 

Is this truly how we are intended to have relationships?

Why are we satisfied with surface level relationships? 

So with a little inspiration from Matthew Specktor and my kindred spirit Katie, I plan to write 3 letters this coming week. I'm not sure to who or what I will write about, but it's time I take a moment to focus on someone else and to send them some encouragement the old fashion way....snail mail!

Who can you encourage this week?

Blessings dear friends,

1 comment:

  1. Jenn, I'll make a goal to send three hand-written letters this week, too. Thanks for always encouraging so we can be an encouragement to others. :)
