"As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart" ~Proverbs 27:19

sOccket Brings Joy to Many


posted by J. Amendt Eickman on ,

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"I don't dream at night, I dream all day; I dream for a living."  ~Steven Spielberg

I was watching CBS This Morning, and saw a story I just had to share with you! 

Two young ladies developed a soccer ball  when they happened to take a Harvard engineering class that asked them to develop something that used art in science to bring about change. So how could a soccer ball change the world? It's a pretty ingenious product actually. The sOccket stores kinetic energy, which later can be used to power LED lights, charge cellphones, etc. 

Check it out:

Here's some more eye-opening information I found on Uncharted Play's website.

Think of how many lives this could change! I can picture the joy that this ball could bring to children, and adults alike. Not only for the mere sake of recreation, but for the joy you may feel when you hear a loved ones voice, or when you are able to disappear in the pages of a book under your reading lamp! The possibilities are endless!

These two women prove that we all must dream big, and reach for the stars! 

What are some big dreams you are dreaming right now?

Joy to you my friends!

CBS News
Uncharted Play

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